According to the labels attached to navigation menu, at the bottom of this presentation you will find the instructions and complete technical data of the product.
This remover is in the form of a paste because it will also be applied on vertical surfaces and the evaporation will be delayed.
Main characteristics:
Utilization Domains
The amplitude of this type of remover is very big, and for less known materials is required either manufacturer’s recommendation or prior tests, but we mention some of the most common materials which will be removed: graffiti, paints and alkyd enamels, acrylics (emulsions), synthetic plasters, alkyd - urethane paints, nitrocellulose, adhesives such as prenadez, grouts based on synthetic resins, other products.
You will bear in mind that the application must be made at a temperature above 5 ° C, and if necessary it will be repeated. For thick coatings, such as polymer plasters, to achieve the desired effect, it is mandatory to apply an additional layer of “Emex PC Eco” ecologic remover,before total removal of the film.
To obtain maximum performance read carefully the Application Instructions and Technical Data Sheet, available in the menu below.
Tehnical Features
For detailed instructions and full description of the product, read Technical Sheet.
Tags: Remover, Remover paste, Paint scarping, Ecologic scraping solution