Vopsea (2 in 1) Anticoroziva “Emex Dual Protect”
Vopsea (2 in 1) Anticoroziva “Emex Dual Protect”
Vopsea (2 in 1) Anticoroziva “Emex Dual Protect”
  • Alkyd paint satin economic “Emcolor”
  • High covering shiny enamel “Emex”
  • Lac alchidic pentru lemn si metal
  • Email tip auto pentru utilaje “Emex”
  • Golden metallic paint “Emex”
Certificare ISO Vopseluri


Premium quality

     According to the labels attached to navigation menu, at the bottom of this presentation you will find the instructions and complete technical data of the product.

Technical Data


     The paint “Emex Dual Protect” in anticorrosive system with corrosion inhibitor – 2 in 1Fond Vopsea Anticorozivais a professional product, based on alkyd resin, pigments, anticorrosive agents, corrosive inhibitors and specific additives, which combines anticorrosive properties of the primer, with the decorative ones of the email. It is used in protection systems of metal surfaces, both in indoor conditions, as outdoor, without having to prior protect with primer. It is indicated for over ground elements. It is fabricated in any shades of the RAL color card.

Main characteristics:

  1. Inhibits and locks the rust;
  2. High covering power;
  3. Easy application;
  4. Exceptional display;
  5. Superior sheen;
  6. High resistance to weather;
  7. Great resistance to ageing;
  8. Any color according to the RAL color card.
Technical Data

Utilization Domains

     Emailul cu Inhibitor de Coroziune - 2 in 1 - “Emex Dual Protect” este destinat Fond Email Alchidic cu Grund utilizarii profesionale pentru protejarea suprafetelor interioare or the exterioare.

     Produsul se foloseste pentru acoperirea si protectia suprafetelor metalice, atat in conditii de interior, cat si in conditii de exterior. Este utilizat atat pentru acoperirea suprafetelor noi, cat si pentru intretinerea si protectia suprafetelor care au mai fost vopsite cu alte produse peliculogene compatibile.

     Datorita agentilor anticorozivi cat si a inhibitorilor de coroziune folositi in receptura, acest tip de email poate fi folosit cu rezultate foarte bune pentru acoperirea oricarei suprafete metalice, fara folosirea prealabila a unui strat de grund, fiind necesara doar curatirea mecanica a suprafetei.

     Produsul este recomandat pentru suprafete din otel si metal: tevi, conducte, containere, calorifere, tabla, schelete si rastele metalice, grilaje, parapeti, mobilier metalic, suporti metalici de fixare, garduri, balustrade, porti, feronerie, stalpi metalici, scene, grinzi, standuri si copertine metalice, etc.

     Produsul se poate aplica prin pensulare, pulverizare or the roluire. Diluarea se va face cu Diluant Alchidic “Emex”.

     Produsul are luciu superior dar, pentru obtinerea unui efect estetic deosebit, se poate supralacui cu Lac Alchidic “Emex”.

     It is recommended for protection of over ground construction elements.

     It is not recommended for new galvanized steel or stainless steel.

     To obtain maximum performance read carefully the Application Instructions and Technical Data Sheet, available in the menu below.

  • This paint may be flammable
  • This paint could be harmful

Tehnical Features

  • Characteristic
  • Appearance
  • Density
  • Covering power
  • Drain down time
  • Consumption
  • Appearance
  • Av. drying time
  • Drying in depth
  • Water resistant
  • UV resistant
  • U/M
  • -
  • gr/cmc
  • Layers
  • sec.
  • g/m2/layer
  • Pellicle
  • -
  • hours
  • hours
  • 24 hours
  • 30 hours
  • Characteristic Value
  • Uniform, no deposit
  • 1,10±0,1
  • 2
  • 75 - 100
  • 100 - 140
  • Continue, glossy
  • 6
  • 24
  • Good, no changes
  • No chromatic changes
Technical Data
Data Sheet: Email anticoroziv “Emex Dual Protect”
  • Paint application instructions
    Read datasheet
  • Painting by roller
    Roll application
  • Corrosion resistant paint
    Corrosion resistant
  • Paint preparing
    Will be mixed
  • Paintbrush application
    Brush painting
  • Protection from mold and fungus
    Mold Resistant
  • Cleaning of the surface for painting
    Clean the surface
  • Paint by spray gun
  • Weather resistant paint
    Weather resistant
  • Paint drying time
    Drying about 6 h
  • Steam resistant paint
    Steam resistant
  • Paint protected against UV
    UV resistant

     The symbols below will show both the some principal characteristics of the product as well primary use or safety instructions.

     For detailed instructions, read Technical Sheet.

Vopsea 2 in 1
Vopseluri anticorozive
Vopsea cu grund
Vopsele de protectie
Symbols - Instructions
Protectii anticorozive

Vopsea grund 2x1

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     Tags: Application fara grund, Vopsea 2 in 1, Vopsea anticoroziva, Protectie anticoroziva