Email Argintiu Bronz-Aluminiu “Emex”
Email Argintiu Bronz-Aluminiu “Emex”
Email Argintiu Bronz-Aluminiu “Emex”
  • Vopsea alchidica premium “Emex Gold”
  • Email lucios ultraacoperitor “Emex”
  • Lac alchidic pentru lemn si metal
  • Email tip auto pentru utilaje “Emex”
  • Vopsea anticoroziva “Emex”
Certificare ISO Vopseluri


Calitate Premium

     According to the labels attached to navigation menu, at the bottom of this presentation you will find the instructions and complete technical data of the product.

Technical Data


     The “Emex” Aluminum - Silver Bronze Enamel is a monocomponent, professional Fond Metalizata Argintieproduct, based on alkyd resin, bronze paste - aluminum and organic solvents, which after drying forms films with silver metallic aspect, resistant to light, heat and weather. It is used for protection and final decorative covering of all surfaces or metal elements that require higher and effect covering. It is indicated for over ground elements. The product can be shaded only in the basic colors of the RAL color card.

Main characteristics:

  1. High covering power;
  2. High adhesion to the primed support;
  3. Easy application;
  4. Exceptional display;
  5. Good strength;
  6. High sheen, persistent;
  7. Good weather proof;
  8. Great resistance to ageing;
  9. Basic color according to the RAL color card.
Technical Data

Utilization Domains

     This “Emex” Aluminum - Silver Bronze Enamel is intended for professional use forFond Email Alchidic Argiintiu protecting and superior decorating the metal surfaces (eg car body or rims).

     The product is used for covering and protection of new metal surfaces or surfaces which were painted before with other compatible coatings, both in indoor conditions, as outdoor.

     This type of metallic email can be used with good results on any metal surface that needs an intense protection, and a superior decorative aspect. For a proper preparation of the surface it is recommended to previously mechanically cleaning and priming with anticorrosive “Emex” alkyd base coat, preferably gray.

     The product is recommended for metal and steel surfaces: pipes, ducts, tanks, radiators, sheet metal, frames and metallic racks, grills, railings, metal furniture, metal mounting brackets, fences, railings, gates, metal fittings, iron poles, scenes, beams, metal stands and canopies, etc.

     The dilution will be done with Alkyd “Emex” Diluent, in percentages recommended in Data Sheet.

     The product has superior sheen, but for achieving a great aesthetic effect you can super varnish with “Emex” Alkyd Varnish.

     It is recommended for protection of over ground construction elements.

   It is not recommended for new galvanized steel or stainless steel.

     To obtain maximum performance read carefully the Application Instructions and Technical Data Sheet, available in below menu.

  • Aceasta vopsea poate fi inflamabila
  • Aceasta vopsea poate fi nociva

Tehnical Features

  • Characteristic
  • Appearance
  • Density
  • Covering power
  • Drain down time
  • Consumption
  • Appearance
  • Av. drying time
  • Drying in depth
  • Water resistant
  • UV resistant
  • U/M
  • -
  • gr/cmc
  • Layers
  • sec.
  • g/m2/str.
  • Pellicle
  • -
  • hours
  • hours
  • 24 hours
  • 30 hours
  • Characteristic Value
  • Uniform, no deposit
  • 1,00 ± 0,05
  • 1 - 2
  • 45 - 60
  • 100 - 120
  • Continue, glossy
  • 3
  • 12
  • Good, no changes
  • No chromatic changes
Technical Data
Data Sheet: Vopsea bronz-aluminiu “Emex”
  • Instructiuni aplicare vopsele
    Read Data Sheet
  • Vopsire cu trafaletul
    Roll application
  • Corrosion resistant paint
    Corrosion resistant
  • Preparation vopseluri
    It will mix
  • Vopsire cu pensula
    Brush painting
  • Protectie la fungi si ciuperci
    Resist. to Mold
  • Curatare suprafata pentru vopsire
    Clean the surface
  • Vopsire prin stropire cu pistolul
  • Vopsea rezistenta la intemperii
  • Timp de uscare a vopselei
    Uscare cca. 6hours
  • Vopsea rezistenta la abur
    Steam resistant
  • Vopsea rezistenta la ultraviolete
    UV resistant

     The symbols below will show both the some principal characteristics of the product as well primary use or safety instructions.

     For detailed instructions, read Technical Sheet.

Vopsea metalizata
Vopseluri bronz-aluminiu
Vopsea argintie
Bronz aluminiu
Symbols - Instructions
Vopsea metalizata

Vopsea argintiu metalizat

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Lac alchidic pentru lemn, metal, zidarie “Emex”

Alkyd Varnish
Used to varnishing or super varnishing any surfaces.

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Solvent pentru Vopsele Alchidice “Emex”

Alkyd Diluent
For diluting the alkyd varnishes and paints.

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Grund Alchidic Anticoroziv “Emex”

Anticorrosive Base Coat
Ensure protection of surfaces against corrosion effect.

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     Tags: Silver paint, Metallic paint, Enamel auto rims, Aluminum bronze, Gold paint